mercredi 22 octobre 2008

vive les affiches du métro de Tokyo

voilà les fameuses affiches, que Mathilde et moi adorons!!!!!!!!!! pkoi la ratp ne fait pas du second degré comme ici ...;-)

1 commentaire:

Star Pupil Productions a dit…


Je m'appelle Judy a Bunsen's Bark. Je suis Americain. J'adore votre blog! Je suis un professor. Mon Francaise est terrible! Excuse moi.

But I really do like your blog and I will use it in the class I teach because of those excellent pictographs, "Do this at home," from Japan. Those ROCK! In fact, today, in my class, I had my students pair up and create their very own pictographs of different tasks such as:

Changing the diaper of a baby

asking a boy or girl on a date

proposing marriage

working out at a gym

meeting a queen or the pope.

It was fun! I love stuff like that. It was for a mass communication class that I teach--to show the barriers of language and how we can over come them with a picture language, as your pictographs do.

I wish I could make a picture for you right now! :-)


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